woensdag 25 juni 2014

Nieuwe Israelische luchtaanvallen op Gaza, kind bezwijkt als gevolg van falende Palestijnse raket

Israels luchtaanvallen van dinsdag - die volgens Israel gericht waren op lanceerplaatsen en trainingsgebieden verwoestten onder meer deze kippenfarm.   

Israel heeft dinsdagavond en nacht 12 luchtaanvallen uitgevoerd in de Gaza-strook. Dat gebeurde nadat vanuit Gaza opnieuw rakettgen op Israel waren afgevuurd. Daarvan landde er één in Israel in open terrein, werden er twee onderschept door het Israelische Iron Dome systeem en vielen er twee terug in Gaza. Bij een van die mislukte lanceringen werden vijf mensen gewond. Onder hen was een kind dat later in de avond aan de verwondingen bezweek. 
Volgens Israel waren de luchtaanvallen die het als represaille uitvoerde gericht op vijf raketlanceringsplaatsen en twee trainingsplaatsen. De laatste twee weken is er sprake van bijna dagelijkse aanvallen over een weer tussen Israel en Gaza.
Palestinian child who was seriously wounded on Tuesday when a rocket fired at Israel fell short and landed inside Gaza, died of her injuries during the night, medical sources said.
She was one of four people wounded in the incident, they said.
Two Palestinians were also injured in Israeli raids on parts of the Gaza Strip Tuesday evening, eyewitnesses said.
The Israeli military confirmed a series of overnight strikes in a statement which said it had struck five rocket-launching sites in northern Gaza, as well as two other sites in central and southern areas of the strip.
The Israeli air force carried out 12 raids on the Gaza Strip overnight after militants fired more rockets at southern Israel, Palestinian security sources said Wednesday.
The attacks caused severe material damage to surrounding houses and a medical clinic, according to the eyewitnesses.
For its part, the Israeli army announced that its forces staged the strikes in response to five rockets shot into southern Israel from the Gaza Strip.
One of the rockets was intercepted by Israeli air-defense "Iron Dome" system, the Israeli Army radio reported. However, it did not say whether any of the rockets caused any damage.
The Israeli military also said its forces deployed to the border with Gaza are on "highest alert."

Tensions Rise

In recent weeks there have been a series of almost nightly air strikes by Israel.
- See more at: http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/palestinian-child-dies-2-injured-israeli-airstrikes-gaza/1638001564#sthash.PVQolZYS.dpuf
A Palestinian child who was seriously wounded on Tuesday when a rocket fired at Israel fell short and landed inside Gaza, died of her injuries during the night, medical sources said.
She was one of four people wounded in the incident, they said.
Two Palestinians were also injured in Israeli raids on parts of the Gaza Strip Tuesday evening, eyewitnesses said.
The Israeli military confirmed a series of overnight strikes in a statement which said it had struck five rocket-launching sites in northern Gaza, as well as two other sites in central and southern areas of the strip.
The Israeli air force carried out 12 raids on the Gaza Strip overnight after militants fired more rockets at southern Israel, Palestinian security sources said Wednesday.
The attacks caused severe material damage to surrounding houses and a medical clinic, according to the eyewitnesses.
For its part, the Israeli army announced that its forces staged the strikes in response to five rockets shot into southern Israel from the Gaza Strip.
One of the rockets was intercepted by Israeli air-defense "Iron Dome" system, the Israeli Army radio reported. However, it did not say whether any of the rockets caused any damage.
The Israeli military also said its forces deployed to the border with Gaza are on "highest alert."

Tensions Rise

In recent weeks there have been a series of almost nightly air strikes by Israel.
- See more at: http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/palestinian-child-dies-2-injured-israeli-airstrikes-gaza/1638001564#sthash.PVQolZYS.dpuf
A Palestinian child who was seriously wounded on Tuesday when a rocket fired at Israel fell short and landed inside Gaza, died of her injuries during the night, medical sources said.
She was one of four people wounded in the incident, they said.
Two Palestinians were also injured in Israeli raids on parts of the Gaza Strip Tuesday evening, eyewitnesses said.
The Israeli military confirmed a series of overnight strikes in a statement which said it had struck five rocket-launching sites in northern Gaza, as well as two other sites in central and southern areas of the strip.
The Israeli air force carried out 12 raids on the Gaza Strip overnight after militants fired more rockets at southern Israel, Palestinian security sources said Wednesday.
The attacks caused severe material damage to surrounding houses and a medical clinic, according to the eyewitnesses.
For its part, the Israeli army announced that its forces staged the strikes in response to five rockets shot into southern Israel from the Gaza Strip.
One of the rockets was intercepted by Israeli air-defense "Iron Dome" system, the Israeli Army radio reported. However, it did not say whether any of the rockets caused any damage.
The Israeli military also said its forces deployed to the border with Gaza are on "highest alert."

Tensions Rise

In recent weeks there have been a series of almost nightly air strikes by Israel.
- See more at: http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/palestinian-child-dies-2-injured-israeli-airstrikes-gaza/1638001564#sthash.PVQolZYS.dpuf
A Palestinian child who was seriously wounded on Tuesday when a rocket fired at Israel fell short and landed inside Gaza, died of her injuries during the night, medical sources said.
She was one of four people wounded in the incident, they said.
Two Palestinians were also injured in Israeli raids on parts of the Gaza Strip Tuesday evening, eyewitnesses said.
The Israeli military confirmed a series of overnight strikes in a statement which said it had struck five rocket-launching sites in northern Gaza, as well as two other sites in central and southern areas of the strip.
The Israeli air force carried out 12 raids on the Gaza Strip overnight after militants fired more rockets at southern Israel, Palestinian security sources said Wednesday.
The attacks caused severe material damage to surrounding houses and a medical clinic, according to the eyewitnesses.
For its part, the Israeli army announced that its forces staged the strikes in response to five rockets shot into southern Israel from the Gaza Strip.
One of the rockets was intercepted by Israeli air-defense "Iron Dome" system, the Israeli Army radio reported. However, it did not say whether any of the rockets caused any damage.
The Israeli military also said its forces deployed to the border with Gaza are on "highest alert."

Tensions Rise

In recent weeks there have been a series of almost nightly air strikes by Israel.
- See more at: http://www.middleeasteye.net/news/palestinian-child-dies-2-injured-israeli-airstrikes-gaza/1638001564#sthash.PVQolZYS.dpuf

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