woensdag 15 september 2010

Meerderheid Israeli's tegen verlenging bouwstop, 48% tegen compromis met Palestijnen

Er was wat te doen, vorige week, over een coverstory van Time Magazine onder de titel: 'Why Israel Doesn't Care About Peace'. Het artikel beschreef  dat de Israeli's niet erg bezig zijn met de mogelijkheid of onmogelijkheid van een akkoord met de Palestijnen en zich tevreden stellen met het feit dat het economisch goed gaat. Abe Foxman van de Anti Defamation League, de organisatie in de VS die zich tot taak heeft gesteld te strijden tegen antisemitisme vond dat het artikel niet kon. Haaretz:

A Time magazine cover story claiming Israelis are more interested in their booming economy than reaching an historical peace agreement with the Palestinians is another version of the anti-Semitic falsehood that Jews prefer money above any other interest, the Anti Defamation League said in a statement on Thursday.

Maar Foxman had het mis met zijn uitspraak. Ziehier - met dank aan Didi Remez en diens blog Coteret -  een opiniepeiling, geciteerd in de krant Yediot Ahronot, waaruit blijkt dat de Israeli's inderdaad blijkbaar niet meer in vrede zijn geïnteresseerd, dan wel hun vertrouwen hebben verloren dat er nog wat van komt. Niet minder dan 51% is tegen het verlengen van de bouwstop in de bezette gebieden. En een overeenkomst met de Palestijnen waarbij Israel als Joodse staat wordt erkend (een non-starter, maar dat terzijde), Israel de grote nederzettingenblokken behoudt en de Palestijnen worden gecompenseerd met stukken land van een vergelijkbare oppervlakte heeft maar de steun van  45% - bijna de helft (48%) is tegen.     

 Poll by Dahaf Polling Institute, Yediot, September 14 2010 [page three with front-page teaser]
 Q: Should Netanyahu extend the settlement construction freeze after September 26, or should construction be resumed?
Extend construction freeze: 39%
Resume construction: 51%
No response/don’t know: 10%
Q: Would you support a compromise in which construction in the territories is partially suspended—in other words, for there to be construction only in the settlement blocs?
I would support such a compromise: 42%
I am opposed because the construction freeze should be comprehensive: 20%
I am opposed because the construction freeze should be ended: 32%
No response/don’t know: 6%
Q: Do you believe that Netanyahu is serious in his intentions to reach an agreement, or do you believe that he has entered negotiations because of American pressure?
Because of American pressure: 56%
His intentions are sincere: 36%
No response/don’t know: 8%
Q: Do you believe that the Palestinians are serious in their intentions to reach an agreement, or do you believe that they have entered negotiations because of American pressure?
Because of American pressure: 70%
Their intentions are sincere: 23%
No response/don’t know: 7%
Q: Do you believe that a resumption of construction will derail the negotiations with the Palestinians?
Believe construction will derail negotiations: 68%
Do not believe construction will derail negotiations:24%
No response/don’t know: 8%
Q: Do you believe that there is a chance that the negotiations Netanyahu is holding with the Palestinians will lead to a peace agreement?
I believe they will lead to a peace agreement: 25%
I do not believe they will lead to a peace agreement: 71%
No response/don’t know: 4%
Q: There is a plan stipulating that in the framework of a peace agreement in which the Palestinians recognize Israel as a Jewish state, Israel will concede most of the territories in Judea and Samaria but the settlement blocs will remain in Israeli hands, in exchange for which Israel will return to the Palestinians territory of comparable size from within the State of Israel. Do you support such a plan or are you opposed?
Support: 45%
Am opposed: 48%
No response/don’t know: 7%
The results of the above poll are based on the responses of 501 respondents, who constitute a sample cross-section of adult Israeli society. The margin of error is +/-4.5%

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