maandag 16 juli 2012

Hamas condems insufficient number of family visists for jailed Palestinians from Gaza

Hamas, the Palestinian resistance group, has condemned a move by Israel to permit only 25 Gazans detained in Israeli prisons to receive family visits. The move has no value when another 500 prisoners are denied this right, acoordinmg to Hamas spokesman Sami Abu-Zahri, the Egyptian press agency MENA reports.
"The continued prohibition of family visits to Palestinian prisoners is against international agreements and human rights and is against Israel's deal with the detainees," added Abu-Zahri.
He called on international organisations to pressure Israel to carry out its obligations.
Earlier Monday, relatives of the detainees crossed the Eretz border in the northern Gaza Strip on their way to Ramon prison in Israel.
Palestinian Minister of Detainees and Ex-Detainees Issa Karake said the number of detainees from Gaza held in Israeli prisoners is 473. Israel banned Gazan detainees from receiving visits from their families following Hamas' capture of Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit in 2006.

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