maandag 16 januari 2012

Protest this Thursday, 9:45 , during Netanyahu's visit in Den Haag

On Thursday, January 19th, Binyamin Netanyahu will come for an official visit to the Netherlands, for the first time in his current term as Israel's Prime Minister. He will be welcomed by Queen Beatrix, and will meet with Prime Minister Rutte and the ministers Rosenthal and Verhagen.
As Israeli’s who live in the Netherlands, we would like to express our grave concern regarding the policies that Netanyahu promotes as Israel's Prime Minister. We see these policies as disastrous for Israeli society, for the Palestinian people and for the entire Middle-East. During Netanyahu's visit to the Netherlands we will call upon the Dutch government to stop providing diplomatic backup and moral support to Netanyahu.

We would like to remind the Dutch leaders and the Dutch public that there are many Israeli’s who, unlike Netanyahu, aspire to end the Israeli oppression of the Palestinian people and seek a just solution to the conflict. We will raise our objection to Netanyahu's claim that supporting Israel means voting against the Palestinian request for recognition, as the Dutch ambassador to the UN recently did.
We will remind the Dutch government that their guest is responsible for holding 4 million people under brutal military occupation, for a systematic discrimination of the 1.5 million Palestinian citizens of Israel, for a series of ‘McCarthyistic’ measures against critical activists and for a massive wave of anti-democratic legislation. In opposition to Netanyahu's way, that can only lead to bloodshed and oppression, we will state that ending the occupation, and dismantling the walls of separation and fear - is the only way for a just peace that will serve the interests of both Israeli’s and Palestinians.

Join us to raise your voice loud and clearly:
Rutte and Rosenthal – stop backing up Netanyahu!

There is no peace under occupation!

Netanyahu's policy is disastrous for both Israeli’s and Palestinians!

Thursday, January 19th, 9:45 am – 11:15 am

Main entrance to the Binnenhof (next to the Mauritshuis), Den Haag
Slogans in English, Dutch, Hebrew and Arabic are welcome


N.B: Ter herinnering: op 11 januari schreef ik

Wie durft? Een paar vragen voor Netanyahu, die volgende week naar Den Haag komt

Dat stukje staat hier


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