Natural gas from the Tamar field off Israel's Mediterranean shores will begin flowing this weekend, the Energy and Water Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday. It issued the announcement after Silvan Shalom, the energy and water minister, visited the Tamar rig along with Israeli billionaire Yitzhak Tshuva, the controlling shareholder in Delek Group, one of the partners in Tamar.
Tamar, discovered in 2009, is located 90 kilometres off Israel's northern coast and has an estimated 10 trillion feet of gas. It is one of two major recently found gas fields off Israel that are due to start production in the next few years, the other being the bigger Leviathan field.
Development of the Tamar and Leviathan fields will make Israel less dependent on energy imports but the country has said it will also allow a significant amount of its natural gas to be exported.
Tamar has already signed a number of large deals, including one to supply as much as $23 billion of natural gas to Israel Electric Corp and $4 billion worth to units of conglomerate Israel Corp.
Texas-based Noble Energy holds 36 percent of Tamar. Isramco Negev owns 28.75 percent and Delek Group subsidiaries Avner Oil Exploration and Delek Drilling hold 15.625 percent each. Dor Gas Exploration has a 4 percent stake.
Haaretz adds:
Israel has been suffering from a gas shortage for two years, after a spate of terror attacks on a pipeline delivering Egyptian gas cut off supplies and the Egyptian state-owned gas company reneged on its contract, citing irregularities. That forced Israel's biggest natural-gas user, the Israel Electric Corporation, to turn to more expensive fuels, saddling it with severe cash flow problems, straining its power-generating capacity and damaging the environment.
The start of production at Tamar will not only boost the utility but the economy too. Echoing other forecasters, global investment bank HSBC said this week that natural gas production can be expected to contribute at least one percentage point to Israel's gross product growth this year. HSBC predicted GDP will grow 3.3%, compared with 2.6% without gas from Tamar.
1 opmerking:
08:14 3-4-2013
PERTH (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Shell neemt mogelijk afscheid van zijn belang in Woodside omdat het Australische oliebedrijf heeft geïnvesteerd in het grootste aardgasveld van Israel. Dat stelde de Commonwealth Bank of Australia woensdag in een analistenrapport. Shell bezit nog 23 procent van de aandelen Woodside ter waarde van omgerekend 5,6 miljard euro.
Shell uit Woodside door deal in Israel.
Volgens de bank zou Shell tegenover andere landen in het Midden-Oosten alle schijn van een directe of indirecte investering in Israel willen vermijden, gezien de spanningen en de aanzienlijke belangen van Shell , gezien de spanningen en de aanzienlijke belangen van Shell in de regio. Een woordvoerder van Shell zei dat het concern geen commentaar geeft op speculatie.
Shell stelde vorig jaar dat het belang in Woodside niet strookte met de langetermijnplannen van het concern. In november 2010 verkocht Shell al een belang van 10 procent in Woodside.
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