woensdag 24 februari 2016

Palestinian woman killed by car alledgedly driven by settler

An elderly Palestinian woman was killed and her daughter wounded when they were hit by a car allegedly driven by an Israeli settler in the eastern West Bank district of Jericho Tuesday night, according to the Palestinian Authority's official news agency Wafa.
It was not initially clear whether the incident was an attack or accident, and Wafa's report that the car was driven by an Israeli settler could not initially be verified.Wafa identified the deceased woman as 60-year-old Zainab Rashida and her injured daughter as Fatima Abdul Yassin, 30, saying they were both taken to Jericho Hospital. A Palestinian police spokesperson confirmed one death and another injury from a car incident in the area, but was unable to provide further details. An Israeli army spokesperson also confirmed an incident, but said it fell under Israeli police jurisdiction. An Israeli police spokesperson, meanwhile, had no immediate information on the reports.

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