De Knesset.
In het Israëlische parlement, de Knesset, heeft zich een debat afgespeeld over de Israëlische aanval op het Freedom Flotilla. Hanin Zuabi (Balad) die aan boord was van de Mavi Marmara vroeg daarin een verklaring te mogen afleggen. Anastassia Michaeli van Yisrael Beiteinu probeerdee haar van het spreekgestoelte weg te duwen, maar werd na een handgemeen uit de zaal verwijderd. (Tijdens het debat werden overigens nog meer geachte afgevaardigden verwijderd).
En dit is wat er gebeurde volgens de Jerusalem Post; toen Zuabi haar verkalriung aflegde:
She said that she had agreed to participate in the flotilla as it was a "political human and moral 'mitzva' to oppose the imprisonment of 1.5 million people." She described the blockade of Gaza as an "illegal, inhuman, illegitimate siege opposed by every politician who has a moral position... ...only the immoral support the blockade." Zuabi described the raid on the flotilla as a "pirate operation that was criminal and against international law."
She attacked the film of the raid that the IDF released: "Why does the Israeli government oppose an inquiry? Why does it oppose revealing the truth? Why did you take journalists' cameras? Why did you only publish the pictures linked to the IDF operation, Why didn't you publicize film of the ten men who died?."
She criticized those attacking her, saying "Who is the criminal? Did I murder anyone?".
At this point an MK shouted "check if she has a knife" resulting in uproar.
En dit is wat Haaretz meldde:
Meanwhile, MK Miri Regev (Likud) accused Zoabi of being "responsible for a double crime: Joining terrorists, and a moral crime against the state of Israel." Regev (foto) then called at her in Arabic: "Go to Gaza, you traitor. She sat here over a year ago and pledged allegiance to the state of Israel and its laws," Regev claimed. "I have no intention of stifling free speech, but in the case of MK Zoabi - it is not freedom of speech. The Gaza flotilla was a terrorist flotilla and MK Zoabi needs to be punished. We don't need Trojan horses in the Knesset."
Hadash-Ta'al MK Mohammed Barakeh called the Israeli government "a gang of pirates" during the discussion, saying "you are crazy - you swim against the world and harm your nation, driving it down the drain. The two people responsible for the crime ran out of the room," said Barake regarding Netanyahu and Barak. "We stand behind our friend Mohammed Zeidan, the head of the Arab Higher Monitoring Committee, and of course our friend MK Hanin Zoabi, we see their acts as noble deeds."
In response, MK Regev yelled at Barke "hypocrite, traitor." MK Ben Ari (National Union) also confronted Barake calling: "Where is Gilad Shalit? Traitor, your day will come."
Ga naar Gaza, jij verrader, Trojaans paard, het Gaza eskader was een terroristisch eskader. Kijk of ze een mes heeft. Commentaar overbodig, lijkt me.
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