maandag 5 oktober 2009

Palestinian soap

Palestinian sources told Haaretz that Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas made the decision to delay the vote immediately after meeting with the U.S. Consul General last Thursday, without the knowledge of the PLO leadership or the government of Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, and without any consultation.
The Palestinian sources said they believed that the consul general had passed on an unequivocal request from Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to ensure that the document remain on the table at the Human Rights Council. Palestinian officials say that there was "heavy and ongoing pressure" from the U.S., which warned that the adoption of the findings in the commission's report would stymie progress in the peace process between Israel and the Palestinians. (Amira Hass in Haaretz)

There was an outpouring of public anger (among the Palestinian organizations and public, A.P.) at Abbas and his leadership when the PLO mission to the UN in Geneva dropped its endorsement of Justice Richard Goldstone’s report in the UN Human Rights Council last week. The PLO’s move, reportedly under US pressure, led the Council to delay action on Gaza until March 2010.
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas ordered an investigation into why his own government delayed international action on a United Nations report calling for investigations on alleged Israeli war crimes in the Gaza Strip. The secretary of the PLO Executive Committee, Yasser Abed Rabbo said in a statement, “after deliberations among President Abbas and members of the Executive Committee of the PLO, Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, President Abbas issued a decree to form a committee to find the reasons behind postponement of the debate on Goldstone’s report at the UN Human Rights Council. (Maan News Agency)

What if the committee finds Abbas is to blame?

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