Speech by Haneen Zoabi, at the occasion the the Crystal Night commemoration of the Platform Stop Racism and Exclusion in Amsterdam, 8 Novemher 2015. (Ms Zoabi is a member of the Israeli parliament for the Joint List of Arabic parties, She belongs to the party Tajammu al-Watani al-Dimoqrati, the National Democratic Alliance).(Foto Sonja Zimmermann)
I wish to thank you for inviting me to this special ceremony, in this special location.
I'm honored to
speak in the memory of the victims of crystal night, and in the
name of all victims of racism and prejudice and
honored to speak in the name of the Jewish resistance and in the name
of all those who resist oppression, during their life time.
crystal night, thousands of businesses and
hundreds of synagogues were ruined
and burned down by German brown shirts.
the majority of Germans did not approve, but they kept
quiet. When in Israel two churches and tens of mosques are
burned, and hundreds of Israeli supporters of Beitar, shout
"death to the Arabs" after each football match, when a
family is burned to death, when a 15 years old boy is burned to
death, the majority keeps quiet, although they
are perhaps shocked.
Mr. Netanyahu, and
Mr. Barkat, the Jerusalem mayor, called upon civilians
to carry weapons and received full support for their
request from Moshe Ya'alon, the minister
of defense as well as from Yuval Diskin the
previous head of the Israeli intelligence service.
Mr. Netanyahu calls the Jewish citizens to vote because,
and I'm quoting "the Arabs are racing to
the ballet boxes", when Israel's minister
of education, Mr.Benet, declares, and I'm
quoting "that it's OK to kill Arabs, I have actually
done so several times", when Mr. Lieberman says
"to use hatchet", the remarks indicate the
central lesson from crystal night has not been learned.
night didn't suddenly '' fall from the sky''', come out of
nowhere, it was the result of a development over time. And we can see
a similar development happening in Israel over the last several
quotes I just presented to you, justify the use of violence
towards Palestinians. Yet the public keeps quiet.
slowly, step by step, the general public accepts what they hear day
after day. The message is internalized until it becomes an accepted
I would
like to present to you some data of a recent research carried out by
the Israel Democracy Institute's annual ''Democracy Index'':
majority of Israel's Jewish citizens agrees to place the
Arab (Palestinian) citizens of the state under arrest in case of
majority of the Israeli public believes that Jewish
Zionist values are more important than democratic values,
55% Percent
disagree with full equality for the Palestinian citizens
inside Israel.
It is
easy to notice the gradual descend into a deep
vale that reminds us of the Germany during
the nineteen thirties.
demonization of the other, the justification of the use of
force, and the lack of response in the face of crimes,
are all reminiscent of what happened in Germany
in the early thirties. Two
weeks ago an Eritrean refugee, Haptom Zarhum, was lynched by
a mob in the Beer Sheba central bus station. The
general public conceived of the horrendous event as a
case of ''mistaken identity'', the mob thought he was
a terrorist, and not an innocent Jew. However,
what is truly shocking, is that
the public wasn't shocked by the act
itself, but by the mistake in identity. Thus: if
the victim had been a Palestinian, there would have been no
problem at all.
I can give you many more examples, from which can
be learned, that the state of Israel is passing quickly through similar phases as
Germany in the nineteen thirties. It's
not de facto racism, but also de jura: what we are
facing, is a political culture, which started with the
very definition of the ideology of the state, which can be
summarized in one sentence: to provide and guarantee privileges
of the Jewish population, by means of a set of 80
Each law
by itself is perhaps not so problematic, however, when one looks upon
the total of these 80 laws and law amendments, one cannot but
understand the seriousness of the situation.
I would
need a few hours to go over all the laws, and my time is
limited, so let me give you just a small example.
example there is a law that enables civil lawsuits against
anyone who calls for a boycott. Boycotting is a peaceful tool of
civil political struggle. Yet in Israel the call for a boycott has
been effectively silenced by this law.
Or let
me tell you about villages that have special admission committees in
order to filter out Palestinians, who want to move there. Can you
imagine a village in Holland having an admission committee that
allows the local villagers to prevent people from coming to live
there, on the basis of ethnicity, race or religion?
Israel the police must record their investigations, but not in the
case of people who are suspected of security offences. This
creates an opportunity for abuse and even torture of
suspects. And as it is also legal to prevent suspects of security
offences to meet with their lawyer, the risk is great indeed.
I could
go on, but here is my last example: If you are married to a spouse
from the Palestinian territories, you are not eligible for family
reunification. Settlers who live in the territories and marry a
spouse, who lives inside Israel, do not experience that problem, but
Israeli Palestinians do.
question is: will we be able to stop this? Will we be able
to learn from crystal night that we must not
kill, we mustn't be racist and when faced
with atrocities, we mustn't keep quiet?
we become responsible. If you are silent in the face of
racism and discrimination, you are responsible!
I'm Haneen Zoabi,
I'm one of the 120.000, which Israel didn't expel from
their homeland, Palestine in 1948, when 85% of my
people were expelled, in an
ethnic cleansing and colonialist plan.
instead of recognizing this deep historical injustice, and
establishing a state based upon equality, justice, democracy and human
dignity, we live in a state which established itself
upon the concept of "privileges to the Jews", reflecting a
misunderstanding of their own tragedy.
should be learned and understood from the oppression, persecution,
expulsion, and murder of Europe's Jews, is
not to give privileges to Israel's Jewish population, but
to live in equality.
cannot face racism towards you, by practicing racism towards
others. On the contrary, one should face racism by
seeking, demanding and practicing equality and democracy and justice
for all.
I receive as a Palestinian, is a state promoting the
belief that in order to "compensate" the Jews, I
must suffer, and I must experience racism similar to
what the Jews suffered in Germany in the 1930-ies.
As a
Palestinian, who has nothing to do with the racism that led
to Crystal night, I identify with the victims, and
I'm struggling their struggle, in the face of
racism professed by Israel in their name.
I am
forced to live in an undemocratic racist legal and political
system, based upon "privileges for Jewish citizens only",
forgetting that I didn't immigrate to Israel, they are the
ones who immigrated to the country. And Israel went one
step further, it occupied my people, in the West Bank
and Gaza and east Jerusalem, conducting massive crimes
against humanity, war crimes, confiscating land,
building settlements, exposing people to the violence
of many settlers, putting my people into a siege,
preventing basic human rights, dignity and freedom.
the last Gaza war Israel has killed 2200 Palestinians,
500 of them children.
But the
killing hasn't stopped. Each day Palestinians are killed/
can we do, except for struggling within the constraints of
international law?
other human reaction I can practice?
Yet Israel
is criminalizing precisely that type of struggle,
which any one of you would undertake if faced with a similar
situation. Carrying the same harsh memory of Crystal
day: we call for a popular struggle, within the
constraints of international law, we call for a human
struggle, against the same logic and against a lot of the same
practices, we call for political struggle as citizens.
I do
not call for violence, I call for a struggle within
the constraints of international law. I call upon you not to be
silent in the face of the grave crimes my people face.
8 opmerkingen:
Een indrukwekkende toespraak van Haneen Zoabi op deze Kristalnacht herdenking. Al is morgen de "echte" herdenking volgend AT5. Jammer dat het niet anders kan.
Zijn de andere toespraken ook ergens na te lezen misschien. Ik zou ze ook nog even rustig door willen lezen.
Alle toespraken komen - zeer binnenkort - op de site van het Platform, http://www.platformtegenvreemdelingenhaat.nl/archief/kristallnachtherdenking-2015/
Inderdaad Inke.
Alle respect voor deze prachtige vrouw.
Dank ook aan het team dat haar uitnodigde.
Een zeer slechte spreker vind ik (haar engels is amper te verstaan)..met een volgens mij duidelijke obsessie voor The Jews...Haneen Zoabi your place should not have been here at the monument..you clearly hate your country..even if you are as an Israeli arab(no you are not a Palestinian; your place of origine is Nazareth ) in the knesset.....you disgrace your country that is the state of israel...and you disgrace the commemoration of the shoa by being there...go home please and stay there forever...we do not need you here...
We zouden kunnen discussiëren over haar Engels (jouw Arabisch is vermoedelijk ook niet erg goed),maar niet over de door jou geconstateerde obsessies of iemand anders' verhouding tot zijn of haar geboorteland. Wie ben jij wel dat je mag uitmaken hoe andere mensen hun identiteit definiëren? Ga ja straks beweren dat ik geen Jood ben, omdat ik Zoabi uitnodig? Net zoals je vindt dat Zoabi geen Palestijn mag zijn omdat ze in Nazareth is geboren en woont? Wat een schandalige racistische en kolonialistische houding. Jij maakt wel even uit wie zij qua identiteit is. En jij zal ook wel even bepalen wie er de Holocaust mag herdenken en waar. Je hebt totaal niet begrepen dat mevrouw Zoabi haar identiteit al had lang voordat ze geboren was en zelfs voordat de eerste Jood in Palestina een nederzetting begon. Het is je ook ontgaan dat zij, in tegenstelling tot een meerderheid van Israelische Joden, oproept om in volledige gelijkheid - zonder etnische privileges of discriminatie - in een democratisch Israel te leven. Ook jij bent aan een dergelijke houding in de eerstkomende jaren zo te zien nog lang niet toe. Ga jezelf opvoeden tot een fatsoenlijk mens, dat is het enige wat ik je te zeggen heb.
Je bent inderdaad niet joods.
In opinie artikel NRC d.d.09.11.2015 van Sebastiaan Valkenberg stond dat Zoabi geweld verheerlijkt.
Vreemd dat BDS tegelijkertijd zich bij Kristallnacht herdenking in Munchen plaatsvond.
Enkele kanttekeningen bij uw woorden:
- Het kostte mij geen enkele moeite de toespraak van Haneen Zoabi te volgen. Gelukkig voor u kunt u haar verhaal hierboven nog eens rustig nalezen.
- Voorzover Zoabi zich over ‘The Jews’ uitliet, lag dat a) besloten in het thema van de bijeenkomst (u weet wel, de Kristallnacht), en was dat b) om de bevoorrechting van joden boven niet-joden in Israël aan de kaak te stellen. Mocht u dat zijn ontgaan, dan kunt u het hierboven nog eens nalezen.
- Het is niet aan u om uit te maken wie wel en wie niet het recht heeft om tijdens een Kristallnacht-herdenking te spreken, en uw indruk dat Zoabi ‘Israël haat’ is daarbij niet relevant.
- Met uw curieuze stelling dat Zoabi geen Palestijnse is, onderstreept u het belang van Zoabi’s aanwezigheid en toespraak.
- Israël heeft geen Zoabi nodig om zich te schande te maken; dat lukt het land uitstekend op eigen kracht.
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