donderdag 18 oktober 2012

Woman arrested for wearing prayer shawl at Western Wall

Hoffman's arrest
AP: Israeli police say they have arrested a female Jewish activist leader for wearing a traditionally male prayer shawl (a so called tallith, AbuP.) at a Jerusalem holy site, an act police prohibit because of Orthodox Jewish sensitivities. She was with an American Jewish women's group.
Police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld says police detained the activist for causing a public disturbance and wearing the garment. Police say they seek to prevent scuffles with Orthodox Jewish worshippers at the Western Wall, one of Judaism's holiest sites. Anat Hoffman leads the liberal Jewish group Women of the Wall. She was arrested while leading prayers for 200 American Jewish women from the Hadassah organization. She said police strip-searched her and detained her overnight. She says she was released Wednesday after agreeing to stay away from the site for a month.

The American Jewish daily The Forward  sprak met Hoffman:
“In the past when I was detained I had to have a policewoman come with me to the bathroom, but this was something different. This time they checked me naked, completely, without my underwear. They dragged me on the floor 15 meters; my arms are bruised. They put me in a cell without a bed, with three other prisoners, including a prostitute and a car thief. They threw the food through a little window in the door. I laid on the floor covered with my tallit.
De arrestatie vond dinsdagavond plaats. Hoffman is tenminste zes keer opgepakt in de ruim 20 jaar dat zij de groep Women of the Wall leidt.

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