woensdag 19 september 2012

Freedom Theatre vraagt dringend om actie ten bate van Zakaria Zubeidi (II): teken de petitie

 President Mahmoud Abbas: Free Zakaria Zubeidi!
Zakaria amidst the children of the Freedom Theatre.

Zakaria Zubeidi, co-founder of The Freedom Theatre and central figure of the Palestinian resistance, has been held in Palestinian Authority prison since May 13. No charges or evidence of wrongdoing have been presented against him and he has been severely mistreated. On Sept 17 his detention was extended another 19 days and as a response, Zakaria Zubeidi has resumed a complete food and fluid strike. He only has days to live. 
We the undersigned urge President Abbas to take immediate steps to ensure Zakaria Zubeidi's release. We ask the President to ensure that Palestinian law is upheld in this matter, as well as in all other matters involving illegal imprisonment or treatment of prisoners.

On Thursday 20 Sept at 2 pm (GMT +2), a delegation from The Freedom Theatre will visit the President's Office in Ramallah, Occupied Palestine, to hand over all the petition signatures. Let's get at least 2000 signatures until then! Share with your network, post on your social media outlets and let people know why we need to do everything we can to save Zakaria Zubeidi's life.

Click here to sign the petition.

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