British Prime Minister Gordon Brown apologized Friday for the "inhumane" treatment of Second World War code-breaker Alan Turing, who was convicted of gross indecency for being homosexual at a time when it was illegal in Britain.
A mathematician, Turing helped crack Nazi Germany's Enigma communications code, which was a turning point in the war.
He was later convicted of gross indecency for having sex with a man and forcibly treated with female hormones to reduce his sex drive. Turing committed suicide in 1954 at the age of 41.
Dat was hoe het Westen omging met homo's, helden, of genieën (en Turing was beide) of niet. Hoe lang was dat geleden? En hoeveel beter zijn we niet dan de moslim-wereld? Bijvoorbeeld Egypte waar Farouk Hosny al 21 jaar minister is van cultuur, ondanks het feit dat iedereen in Cairo weet dat hij gay is.
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