Since the resumption of the peace process in July, Israel has
destroyed 207 Palestinian homes and property in the occupied West Bank,
displacing 311 Palestinians, over half of whom are children
These demolitions, in areas under Israeli control, have driven
Palestinian families from their communities and their land, increasing
poverty and the need for humanitarian assistance. Such demolition of
civilian property is in direct violation of International Human Rights
Law and International Humanitarian Law, which prohibits demolitions
carried out without military necessity. Demolitions often occur to
facilitate the expansion of illegal Israeli settlements, with 60 percent
of demolitions occurring in Palestinian communities close to settlement
De ondertekenaars zijn:
1. Action Against Hunger (ACF)
2. ActionAid
3. Amnesty International
4. American Friends Service Committee (AFSC)
5. CARE International
6. The Carter Center
7. CCFD - Terre Solidaire
8. Christian Aid
9. Cooperazione Internazionale (COOPI)
10. Cordaid
11. DanChurchAid
12. Diakonia
13. Euro Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN)
14. Heinrich Böll Stiftung
15. Help Age
16. Human Rights Watch (HRW)
17. ICCO
18. The Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC)
19. International Federation for Human Rights (FIDH)
20. Islamic Relief World Wide
21. Japan International Volunteer Center (JVC)
22. Kvinna til Kvinna
23. The Lutheran World Federation
24. Medical Aid for Palestinians – MAP UK
25. medico international
26. Norwegian Church Aid (NCA)
27. Norwegian People’s Aid (NPA)
28. Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)
29. Oxfam
30. Polish Humanitarian Action (PAH)
31. Quaker Peace and Social Witness (QPSW)
32. Save the Children
33. Secours Islamique France
34. Terre des hommes Italy
35. Terre des hommes CH (Switzerland)
36. World Vision Jerusalem-West Bank- Gaza
1 opmerking:
En allemaal antisemitische organisaties die zich solidair verklaren met terroristen. Heinrich Böllstiftung werkt samen met de antisemitische Grünen die weer samenwerken met de antisemitische Linke, opvolger van de SED.
Action Against Hunger (ACF) klinkt neutraal maar zij maakte een antisemitische film Broken Hopes, Oslo’s Legacy Bekend figuur en antisemiet is Yehuda Shaul
Islamic Relief World Wide wordt zelfs regelrecht door Hamas geleid en financiert Al Qaida.
The Lutheran World Federation houdt de visie van Luther over Joden in stand. Ik mag aanemen dat je dit smerige geschrift kent.
Quaker Peace and Social Witness (QPSW) werkt samen met BDS
Indrukwekkende lijst, Abu. Kom je heel ver mee.
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