dinsdag 7 februari 2017

Amnesty: In Syria 13.000 were secretly hanged in five years

A chilling new report by Amnesty International exposes the Syrian government’s calculated campaign of extrajudicial executions by mass hangings at Saydnaya Prison. Between 2011 and 2015, every week and often twice a week, groups of up to 50 people were taken out of their prison cells and hanged to death. In five years, as many as 13,000 people, most of them civilians believed to be opposed to the government, were hanged in secret at Saydnaya.
Human slaughterhouse: Mass hangings and extermination at Saydnaya prison, Syria also shows that the government is deliberately inflicting inhuman conditions on detainees at Saydnaya Prison through repeated torture and the systematic deprivation of food, water, medicine and medical care. The report documents how these extermination policies have killed massive numbers of detainees.
These practices, which amount to war crimes and crimes against humanity, are authorized at the highest levels of the Syrian government.
(Continue reading at the site of Amnesty International)

2 opmerkingen:

Pieter te Baete zei


Nu hoor je uw wakkere volgelingen niet. De gemeldde oorlogsmisdaden zouden anders moeten uitwijzen

Abu Pessoptimist zei

''Pieter te Baete'',
Ik denk dat ''mijn wakkere volgelingen'' er met gepaste stille verbazing kennis van hebben genomen dat het regime van Assad nog verrotter was dan ze al vreesden. Net als ik, trouwens. U niet waarschijnlijk. U wist immers allang dat moslims niet deugen. Of een vergelijkbare dooddoener.

Netanyahu boekt een succes: de begroting wordt aangenomen

  Een korte blog vandaag. Het Israelische parlement is eindelijk akkoord gegaan met de begroting. Dat had eigenlijk in 2024 moeten gebeuren....