vrijdag 11 juli 2014

In Gaza 115 killed, some 700 wounded, 300 houses destroyed - in Israel two seriously injured

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Funeral of Al-Hajj family in Khan Younis, 10 July 2014 (Via Twitter)

Updated 22.50 hrs.  Sixteen Palestinians have been killed in Israeli airstrikes since midnight Friday, Gaza's Ministry of Health said. The latest airstrikes and shelling targeted the al-Nizar neighborhood in al-Shujaiyya in eastern Gaza City late Friday, killing two people. Spokesman for the ministry of health Ashraf al-Qidra said Hussein al-Mamlok, 47, and Saber Sukkar, 80 were killed and three others were injured in the strike.
Medics say the attacks raised the death toll to 106 since Monday, over 680 are injured. Including the nine killed on Sunday evening the death toll stands at 115.
The UN Office for the Coördination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) reports that so far 380 homes have been totally destroyed, 2,500 Gazans have been made homeless. Five clinics and 32 schools as well as 2.500 houses have been damaged.
Earlier on Friday an airstrike targeted worshipers leaving a mosque in the al-Zaytoun neighborhood, injuring seven people. Another on a home in Jabaliya killed the 4-year old Saher Abu Namous, while one in the same city killed an elderly man, Muhammad Rabee Abu Hmeidan. A strike on a car in Gaza-city killed Hamas municipality employees Mazen Aslan and Mazen Abu Kas, while five-year-old Shahd al-Qarnawi later died from injuries sustained in the blast.
Five Palestinians (four of the same family) were killed and 15 injured in Rafah after the Israeli air-force targeted the Ghannam family home, where the family was asleep. Ghaliya Dib Jaber Ghannam, 7, Wissam Abdulraziq Hassan Ghannam, 23, Mahmoud Abduloraziq Hassan Ghannam, 26, Kifah Shihada Dib Ghannam, 20, and Muhammad Munir Ashur, 25, were identified as those killed.The home was hit without warning. The impact completely destroyed the building and several surrounding properties.
The girl Nour Abu al-Najdah (10) was also killed in Rafah after being injured by shrapnel from an airstrike while Raid Abu Hani (50) was killed in eastern Rafah. In Gaza City, Israeli warplanes targeted a fifth-floor apartment building, killing Anas Abu al-Kas. Adnan al-Ashhab, 40, died from injuries sustained in an airstrike near the al-Nuseirat refugee camp.
A gas station in Ashdod on fire following a rocket strike. July 11, 2014.
A gas station in Ashdod (Israel) burned down after being hit by a rocket. (Haaretz)

In Israel A rocket exploded at an Ashdod gas station Friday morning, severely injuring one and wounding seven others. The rocket caused severe damage to the gas station, causing a fire to break out upon impact. Israel Air Force has since bombed the site that launched the rocket, Haaretz reports. According to Amar, the severely-wounded individual's hand was amputated.
In the early hours of Friday morning, for the first time during the current military campaign, a missile was fired at Haifa. There a woman died of a heart attack when she ran to the shelter. The military wing of Hamas took credit for firing what it said was a R-160 missile at Israel's largest city in the north of the country. Missiles were also fired at the Hof HaCarmel region and Hadera. No injuries or damage was reported from any of the rockets. Rocket sirens in Tel Aviv, Herziliya, Ashdod, Kfar Chabad, Ramle, Hod Hasharon, Rehovot, Mishmar Hashiva, Ben Shemen, Lod, Bnei Brak, Givatayim, Ramat Gan.
Two soldiers were lightly injured by anti-tank missile near the Gaza border. A jeep was damaged. Yesterday, two soldiers were wounded, one severely, by shrapnel from a mortar shell. The seriously wounded soldier was operated on during the night. He is currently in a stable condition in an intensive care unit.
Since the start of the operation Israel's forces have hit over 1090 sites in Gaza. In the same period, Gaza militants fired 407 mortars and rockets that struck Israel, while another 118 rockets were intercepted, an army spokeswoman said Friday.  
Israel's prime minister Netanyahu said at a press conference in the Defense Ministry's Kirya compound in Tel Aviv that "the leaders of Hamas are hiding behind the citizens of Gaza, and they are responsible for all casualties." He added that Israel's strikes in Gaza will continue until quiet is restored to the citizens of Israel. "No international pressure will prevent Israel from continuing its operation in Gaza."

7 opmerkingen:

Feng Chsang zei


Gedurende een aanval op de haven van Gaza, kwam dit gebied onder vuur van de Israëlische bezettingsmacht. Om ongeveer 02:00 locale tijd vatte de Gaza Ark vlam. De aanhoudende Israëlische aanval belette de brandweer om het laaiende vuur, dat tot ongeveer 03:30 duurde, te blussen. Als het licht wordt in Gaza kan de aard van de schade aan de Ark en de vissersboten in de buurt beter worden ingeschat.

In het licht van zo veel onschuldige doden onder de Palestijnse burgers, de vernietiging van woningen, ziekenhuizen, scholen en ander objecten van de civiele infrastructuur verbleekt de materiele schade aan ons project. We zijn heel erg dankbaar dat er geen doden zijn gevallen tijdens deze specifieke aanval en we rouwen met jullie om de zinloze vernietiging en moord op de Palestijnen door de aanhoudende Israëlische aanval.

Samen met de Freedom Flotilla Coalitie, zullen we de Gaza’s Ark campagne niet opgeven. Samen met onze Palestijnse partners gaan we door met het aan de kaak stellen van de blokkade en met onze inspanningen voor de bevrijding van alle Palestijnen.

Frank zei

Spijtig dat Israël zich inhoudt en niet eens voluit gaat zodat het probleem definitief wordt opgelost. Over een paar jaar ettert dit weer opnieuw. Wegvagen die moordenaars en sympathisanten in de Gazastrook, eens en voor altijd.

Abu Pessoptimist zei

Ik merk er weinig van dat Israel zich inhoudt. Ik meen me te herinneren dat heel Israel in rep en roer is als er een Joodse vader en moeder plus kinderen worden vermoord (wat een paar jaar geelden een keer voorkwam). In Gaza gebeurt dat nu aan de lopende band.

Feng zei

Over de Franken & Bens,

Geen millimeter ruimte voor tegenargumenten. In de kreet (of moet ik scheet zeggen) van Frank, waar je even zo goed Gaza voor Israël en Israël voor Gaza kunt invullen. En het krantenartikel van Ben is pas relevant als je ook de tegenpartij hebt gehoord.
Abu de hasbara trollo's hebben je in het vizier.

Abu Pessoptimist zei

Feng, what else is new...

jack zei

@ Ben ... Is inderdaad een gotspe dat u met dit soort ongelooflijk huichelachtige IDF-praatjes aan komt als er ruim 20 kinderlijken geteld zijn...en op dit moment levend worden bedolven.. Maar u kunt weer rustig slapen...en dat is het belangrijkst...dream on. Kunt u morgen weer uitgerust van de heuvels toezien hoe uw medesemieten afgemaakt worden in hun kamp waar ze geen kant op kunnen, geniet er maar van.

Anoniem zei

"ruim 20 kinderlijken [die] op dit moment levend worden bedolven."

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