dinsdag 18 februari 2014

Jerusalem cuts water supply in Old City

Israeli authorities Sunday completely cut off the water supply to 14 houses in the old city of Jerusalem, under the pretext of accumulated debts, bringing the number of houses without water supply to 44 homes, according to an official.
Ashraf al-Zorba, responsible on following up on water issues in the old city of Jerusalem told WAFA that a staff of the Israeli Electric Company began last week cutting off the water supply to houses in Jerusalem; it cut off the water supply to 30 houses at once in two locations in the old city of Jerusalem. He stressed the difficult situation of residents living without water for several days now; residents depend on neighbors to provide them with some of their water needs. He said that the debt amounted to hundreds of thousands of dollars. According to him the accumultaion of theswe debts, in addition to millions of tax debts on residents, are methods Israel uses to displace Palestinians and force them to leave.

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