zaterdag 1 februari 2014

15 Palestinians wounded during demonstration near Jalazoun camp, five more in Gaza

AFP/AFP - An injured Palestinian protester is carried by comrades during clashes with Israeli soldiers on the outskirts of Jalazun refugee camp, near the West Bank city of Ramallah, on January 31, 2014 An injured Palestinian protester is carried by comrades during clashes with Israeli soldiers on the outskirts of Jalazun refugee camp, near the West Bank city of Ramallah, on January 31, 2014 (AFP).

Israeli soldiers shot and wounded 10 Palestinians near the West Bank town of Ramallah during a protest Friday over the killing of a teenager, Palestinian medics and security sources said.
In Gaza, meanwhile, medics said five more Palestinians were wounded by Israeli army gunfire near the border fence with Israel.
The sources said the Palestinians in the West Bank were hit by live rounds on the outskirts of Jalazun refugee camp and hospitalised in Ramallah, including one with serious injuries. Accordiing to Ma'an News five more Palestinians were hit by rubbr coated bullets.Hundreds of Palestinians took part in the protest, many of them hurling rocks at the soldiers.The demonstration was called to protest at the Israeli army's killing on Wednesday of Mohammed Mubarak, a 19-year-old from Jalazun working on a project funded by USAID and son of the camp's locally elected leader.
The army said he was shot dead near a Jewish settlement outside Ramallah after opening fire on them, but witnesses insisted he was unarmed. 
Palestinian housing and public works minister Maher Ghneim [in the West bank] has condemned what he branded the "cold-blooded killing" of a labourer working on a project run by the ministry in coordination with USAID.
Ghneim said the youth had been "carrying a sign to direct the traffic" when he was shot.

1 opmerking:

Anoniem zei

Israel is weer hard bezig zijn 'bestaansrecht' te delegitimeren.


Israel probeert met geforceerde hongersnood Gaza te dwingen het staat-het-vuren te verlengen

  Het is vandaag de tiende dag dat er geen vrachtwagens met goederen Gaza inkwamen. Het is de derde dag dat er geen stroom meer wordt geleve...