woensdag 19 maart 2014

Jerusalem demolishes two houses in Beit Hanina neighbourhood

Updated.  Israeli bulldozers demolished a house in the Beit Hanina neighborhood of East Jerusalem early Wednesday, the homeowner's family said. Also on Wednesday the Jerusalem, municipality demolished a shed housing a family of four in the same area.
Without prior warning, Israeli military forces surrounded the home of Badwan Salaymah (53) while he and his family were absent, and proceeded to tear the house down, Salaymah's brother said.
Israeli municipality officials then issued Salaymah a demolishing bill of 110,000 shekels ($32,000), which he will be unable to pay, Marwan Salaymah said.

He said the house was built of tin and iron on a plot of 70 square meters.The Jerusalem municipality also demolished two houses owned by Salaymah in May 2013, he added.
The Israeli municipality of West Jerusalem Wednesday the same day demolished a residential shed belonging  Mohammad Samara under the pretext that it had been built without a permit. Samara, 56, the owner, said the municipality bulldozers, under police protection, arrived in the early morning and proceeded to demolish his 40-square-meter house, which was given to him by the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) following the demolition of his previous house in 2012 by Israeli forces. The demolition of the house caused the displacement of Samara and his four family members.

3 opmerkingen:

anja zei

De haat tussen christenen en moslims in de Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek heeft een 'angstaanjagend niveau' bereikt. Met kannibalisme en onthoofdingen van kinderen is het geweld inmiddels 'buitengewoon wreed van aard'. .

Hier zien we de Multi culti samenleving zoals die door Abu p en de linkse wereldverbeteraars zou graag is gezien , in werking !!

Daar helpt geen enkele censuur van Abu tegen.

Feng Chsang zei

Jaaaaa, Anja

Abu Pessoptimist zei

Als je een andere naam zou kiezen dan ''anja'' en minder vaak off topic reacties zou sturen, zou ik misschien vaker iets van je plaatsen.

Vermiste 16 paramedici en werkers: vermoord; Yemen en Libanon: aangevallen; Israelisch hooggerechtshof: ontmand

  Zestien in Gaza vermiste ambulancemedewerkers en civiele werkers zijn na dagen gevonden. Negen man waren vijf dagen geleden naar Rafah...