zondag 20 oktober 2013

Is het waar dat Ismail Haniyeh opriep tot gewapende strijd en terreur prees?

Haniyeh tijdens zijn speech (PIC)

Sommigen zweren bij de kwaliteit van de Israelische pers. En gelukkig die vervult nog steeds vaak een kritische rol. Maar als het gaat om zaken die ´de veiligheid van Israel´ betreffen, of zoiets als ´Arabische en Palestijnse politiek, mag daar wat mij betreft wel vaak een vraagteken achter worden geplaatst. Ik heb eerder al wel enkele malen de vraag opgeworpen hoe betrouwbaar de Israelische berichtgeving is, vooral  als het gaat om zoiets als incidenten waarbij waarbij Palestijnse slachtoffers vallen.
Vandaag leek het me tijd om een kritische blik te werpen op de manier waarop Israel de Palestijnse politiek verslaat. De aanleiding is dat Ismail Haniyeh, de premier van de regering van Hamas in Gaza, zaterdag een, door de tv uitgezonden, speech hield ter gelegenheid van de tweede verjaardag van de gevangenenruil waarbij de Israelische militair Gilad Shalit werd uitgewisseld tegen 1027 gevangenen in Israelische gevangenschap. Ik geef hieronder diverse voorbeelden van hoe die speech werd verslagen. De Israelische versies staan onderaan. Ze wijken op een opvallende manier af van de andere versies. Ik heb de fragmenten niet vertaald om niet de indruk te wekken dat de verschillen uit de  vertaling voortkomen. Wel heb ik ze ingekort, maar iedereen kan doorklikken naar de originelen om te zien of ik daarmee de tekst geweld heb aangedaan.
Hier volgen de diverse versies:

The Palestinian Information Centre (PIC), een Palestijns persagentschap in Gaza:
Palestinian Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh said “The Palestinian prisoners’ file will remain open and will not close until all of the prisoners are released”, calling on the Islamic peoples "from Tangiers to Jakarta to participate in the Great Aqsa Intifada.”
In a speech on Saturday marking the two-year anniversary of Wafa al-Ahrar prisoner exchange deal, Haniyeh vowed to liberate all the prisoners from Israeli prisons, saying that their release is on the top of his government's priorities. Al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, made a great victory by accomplishing the exchange deal especially by keeping Shalit for five years and freeing more than one thousand prisoners, he said. He greeted all the resistance elements who participated in this historic achievement topped by the martyr Ahmed Jabari. He also expressed his appreciation to Egypt due to its role in the exchange deal and for its continued efforts along the past years, stressing the Palestinian people and government and Hamas movement's commitment to the Egyptian stability and national security.
Haniyeh renewed the Palestinian adherence to the national constants and fundamental rights despite all difficulties and plights, saying that resistance is the strategic option to the conflict in the region. The prime minister warned of the Israeli schemes to divide al-Aqsa mosque spatially and temporally by allowing Israeli settlers and soldiers to break into al-Aqsa Mosque as a prelude to demolish it. (...) “There will be no security or stability in the region as long as Al-Aqsa mosque is in danger," he affirmed.

Het persbureau AFP:
The Gaza Strip's Hamas prime minister Ismail Haniya on Saturday denied reports that his Islamist militant group was involved in fighting in the neighbouring Egyptian Sinai or in Syria. "We did not interfere in the affairs of any country and are not involved in the events or differences or internal conflicts of any country," Haniya said. "This (is) our position regarding what has happened and is happening in Syria, Egypt, Lebanon and all Arab and Islamic countries," he said.
"We are not involved in any incident," he added. "Neither in the Sinai or elsewhere. We only act in the Palestinian arena and our guns are turned only toward the Zionist enemy."

Het persbureau Reuters:
Hamas, its Gaza Strip stronghold cut off by the new military-backed government in Egypt, called upon rival Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas on Saturday to end their six-year schism and form a unity government.(....) "Our conditions do not allow for keeping up differences," Ismail Haniyeh, prime minister in the Gaza administration, said in a speech calling on Abbas and Fatah to renew dialogue with Hamas, schedule new elections and enter a temporary power-share. "Let's have one government, one parliament and one president," Haniyeh said.

Het Palestijnse persbureau Ma´an:
Prime minister of the Hamas-run government in the Gaza Strip Ismail Haniyeh on Saturday called on Palestinians to oppose any new negotiations with Israel, arguing that they "jeopardize the Palestinian issue and the Palestinian people's rights."
"These negotiations mark the violation of the Palestinian national consensus as negotiations are carried out as a result of US pressure and blackmail," he said, urging Palestinians to protect Jerusalem and never abandon any Palestinian right, especially the right of return of refugees.
Haniyeh made the comments during a speech delivered in Gaza City on the second anniversary of the prisoner swap between Hamas and Israel which saw 1,027 Palestinian prisoners freed in a deal for captured Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.
In order to ensure the protection of Palestinian rights, "negotiations must stop and the Oslo approach must be ignored. Political forces must together find a new national strategy adopting diverse visions and means," he continued.
"To confront any dangers or possible compromises emerging from negotiations," added Haniyeh, "Palestinian factions and dignitaries should get together and build a Palestinian national strategy." This strategy, Haniyeh said, must include all possible options including armed resistance and popular resistance in addition to political and diplomatic means including academic and diplomatic divestment using all regional and international platforms.
Dan de Israelische pers. Ynet (Yediot Ahronot) meldde onder de kop ´´Hamas PM calls for intifada, praises terror attacks``:
´´We call for the renewal of the popular intifada in the West Bank, to restart resistance within it," Haniyeh said, praising the recent string of terror attacks. "We send blessings to the heroes who undertook the recent attacks in the West Bank, and call on (Palestinians involved in the) resistance to stand up and take action at every possible moment to stop the threat facing the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem."
Haaretz kopte: ´´Hamas PM calls for armed struggle, popular uprising against peace talks with Israel``. The Times of Israel kwam met de kop: ´´Haniyeh urges ‘popular uprising,’ lauds recent terror attacks´´, The Jerusalem Post meldde: Haniyeh calls for 'big Al Aqsa intifada,' demands Israel release prisoners, 
en schreef daaronder: Hamas Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh has called on Arabs and Muslims to prepare for the "big Al Aqsa intifada" against Israel and hailing the recent terror attacks in the West Bank´´.

Kortom, de Israelische pers was unaniem in zijn berichtgeving dat Haniyeh opriep tot gewapende strijd en  terreur prees. Ik heb de de volledige tekst van Haniyeh´s speech (Engels dan wel Arabisch) niet kunnen vinden. Maar ik ben zo vrij om te veronderstellen dat als de Israelische media de enige ter wereld zijn die Haniyeh´s tekst op deze wijze hebben verstaan en begrepen, dat misschien meer zegt over de Israelische media en hoe die Haniyeh, Hamas en wellicht de Palestijnen bezien, dan over Haniyeh of Hamas zelf. 

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