woensdag 23 september 2015

Door Israelische militairen vermoorde tiener in Hebron begraven

''Jongeren tegen de Nederzettingen'' hebben foto's op hun Facebookpagina gepubliceerd van het doden, dinsdagmorgen, van de 18-jarige Hadil al Hashlamoun bij een checkpoint in Hebron. De eerste foto laat zien hoe het zwaar gesluierde meisje een flink stuk van de soldaat vandaan staat die haar onder schot houdt. De tweede foto toont hoe Fawaz Abu Eisha, die getuige was van het doodschieten van Hadil, probeert tussenbeide te komen en tevergeefs probeert de soldaten tot stoppen te bewegen en het meisje uit te leggen wat ze in het Hebreeuws tegen haar roepen.

Honderden Palestijnen hebben woensdag het 18-jarige meisje Hadil Hashlamoun, dat dinsdag door Israelische soldaten was doodgeschoten bij een checkpoint naar haar graf gedragen. Als een blijk van eenheid werden vlaggen meegedragen van meerdere Palestijnse fracties.
Intussen kwam van verschillende kanten bewijsmateriaal boven tafel waaruit blijkt dat de lezing van de Israelische militairen dat het meisje een soldaat zou hebben willen aanvallen totale onzin is. De  New York Times was ditmaal één van de kranten die uitgebreid melding maakten van de toedracht. Ik geef dat verslag hier onvertaald weer:
Israeli soldiers shot and killed a Palestinian woman early Tuesday at a checkpoint in Hebron in the West Bank. The Israeli military said the woman had pulled out a knife, but a European advocate for Palestinian rights, who said he had witnessed the episode, said the woman appeared to be only trying to open her purse for inspection.(....)
The shooting of the woman in Hebron raised questions for two eyewitnesses about whether the soldiers had overreacted to a perceived threat. The episode unfolded at an Israeli checkpoint known as 56, which divides Israeli- and Palestinian-controlled sections of the city. An Israeli military spokeswoman said the woman, Hadeel Hashlamoun, 18, was ordered to stop when the checkpoint’s metal detector went off as she went through, but did not do so.She then pulled out a knife, and soldiers fired at her legs and feet in an attempt to stop her from advancing, said the spokeswoman, who spoke on the condition of anonymity under military rules. But Ms. Hashlamoun continued to head toward them, and the soldiers shot her in the abdomen, the spokeswoman said.br /> Ms.Hashlamoun was taken to Shaare Zedek Medical Center in Jerusalem and died several hours later, said Shoham Ruvio, a spokeswoman for the hospital.
The European activist, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because his employers do not permit him to talk to reporters, provided photographs of the episode. One showed a soldier pointing his weapon at Ms. Hashlamoun, and another showed her lying on the ground.
He said a soldier had asked Ms. Hashlamoun to open her bag for inspection. “When she was opening at her bag, he began shouting: ‘Stop! Stop! Stop! Don’t move! Don’t move!,’ the activist said. “She was trying to show him what was inside her bag, but the soldier shot her once, and then shot her again.”
The activist said three or four other soldiers had raced to the scene and also fired.
Another witness, Fawaz Abu Aisheh, 34, who appeared in the photographs taken by the activist, said Ms. Hashlamoun did not respond as soldiers screamed at her in Hebrew to step back. A soldier shot at her feet twice, but she did not move, he said.
“She was like a nail, like she was in shock,” he said. “I was shouting, ‘She doesn’t understand Hebrew!’
Mr. Abu Aisheh said he had opened a small gate inside the checkpoint so that she could back away from the soldiers. She did so, creating more distance between her and the soldiers.
“Even if she had a knife, she would have to leap over a barrier about a meter high to reach a soldier,” he said. “There were six or seven soldiers with heavy weapons. There was no need for that assassination.”
The other soldiers who then rushed in fired around her feet and yelled at her to put her hands on the wall, he said. One shot Ms. Hashlamoun in the left leg, then her right, and fired six or seven bullets into her chest and stomach, Mr. Abu Aisheh said.
Palestinians later congregated at the site, hurling rocks at soldiers, who fired tear gas in response.
Ma'an News voegt daaraan nog de bijzonderheid toe dat ooggetuigen meldden dat Hadil door zeven kogels werd getroffen, waarvan de laatste werd afgevuurd toen ze al op de grond lag. De soldaten lieten haar vervolgens een half uur lang bloedend op het trottoir liggen voordat zij een ambulance toelieten.
De begrafenis van Hadil Hashlamoun (Foto Ma'an)

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