donderdag 17 november 2011


Discussion with Waleed Rashed (April 6 Movement)

The Departments of Arabic Studies and Political Sciences of the University of Amsterdam have organized a discussion meeting with Waleed Rashed, international spokesperson for the April 6 Movement, one of the key forces of the Egyptian revolt that led to the fall of President Hosni Mubarak on February 11th of this year.

What power struggle is taking place behind the facade of the transitional government? -- What has been the position and the role of April 6 Movement since the ouster of Mubarak? -- What is to be expected of the upcoming elections?

Paul Aarts (Political Science, UvA)
Atef Hamdy (Clingendael Institute) t.b.c.
Robbert Woltering (Arabic studies, UvA)

Thursday 24 november
Oudemanhuispoort, zaal D009
University of Amsterdam

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