dinsdag 15 november 2011

Franse consul in Gaza en familie gewond door Israelisch bombardement

From the Palestinian center for Human Rights (PCHR) – Monday, 14 November 2011 18:45 – Ref: 113/2011
The French Consul and his Family in Gaza were Wounded in an Israeli Attack on a Palestinian Navy Site in the Northern Gaza Strip.
On Monday, 14 November 2011, the French Consul in the Gaza Strip, Majdi Jameel Yaseen Shaqqoura, 44, and his two children were wounded in an Israeli attack on the Palestinian Navy site in the southwest of Beit Lahia, located in northern Gaza.  They were in their home when they were injured by shrapnel.  Additionally, as a result of the same attack, the consul’s wife suffered from hemorrhage that led to a miscarriage.
According to investigations conducted by the Palestinian Centre for Human Rights (PCHR), Majdi Shaqqoura was in his home, located behind al-Nawras Resort in al-Soudaniya area southwest of Beit Lahia, at the time of the attack.
Shaqqoura was watching TV in the house’s sitting room which is surrounded by large windows, together with his relatives and three children: Arwa, 9, Rawan, 13, and Mohammed, 8.  At 2:00 in the morning they suddenly heard an explosion that rocked the house.
In his testimony to PCHR, Shaqqoura said that windows of the sitting room broke in the blast.  He and his relative rushed to protect the children. Then a second explosion took place which broke all the windows, and resulted in shrapnel injuries to Shaqqoura’s leg and Rawan’s hand and back.
Shaqqoura added that, at the same time, his wife Majda Shaqqoura, 42, and her brother were on their way to the home in her car.  They were 150 meters away from the bombardment site.  As a result, Majda suffered a hemorrhage. Her brother transported her to al-Awda Hospital, where she miscarried, being in the second month of her pregnancy.
(source Occupied Palestine)

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